12 years with Inu-Yasha



Wanita mana yang jam segini masih bangun sambil nangis depan laptop?

  1. Wanita yang lagi ngoding tapi stuck
  2. Wanita yang lagi baca opini tentang inuyasha's real love
Well, gue dua-duanya.
Di post gue kali ini, gue akan cerita tentang Inuyasha dalam hidup gue. Kalo lo gak mau buang-buang waktu, go away aja deh mendingan.

Jadi, gue udah nonton Inuyasha sejak gue SD. About 12 years ago. Tapi nontonnya masih setengah-tengah gitu, gak diseriusin. Sampe akhirnya, pas kelas liburan semester 1 kelas 10 SMA, gue kepikiran Inuyasha dan memutuskan untuk nonton di youtube.

And I fell in love. AGAIN!
Gosh, you definitely can not resist the story of Inuyasha anime. Bagi lo yang gak tau, I will simply summarize the story:

InuYasha is the story of a dog half-demon who is constantly after a jewel of immense power, the Shikon jewel, also no as the Shikon no tama. He lives in the forest near the village where the jewel is protected by a priestess named Kikyo. Soon InuYasha and Kikyo fall in love and InuYasha promises his new love he will use it to become a full-demon. However, a bandit named OniGumo who is obsessed with Kikyo offers his body to a group of demons who inhabit it and he ceases to exist and becomes a half-demon called Naraku, who, above everything else, desires power. Naraku disguises himself as InuYasha and attacks and fatally wounds Kikyo, who then, believing her attacker was her former lover, shoots InuYasha thru the heart with a sacred arrow that puts him sleep forever or until the curse is lifted. Kikyo dies and the jewel is burned with her. However, fast-forward several hundred years into the future and we meet Kagome, a girl who lives in Tokyo at a shrine with her family. Not knowing she is the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo she goes down one day into her family's well and then is transported thru a mystical portal to the feudal-era of Japan's history. There she meets InuYasha and frees him from his tree when the village is attacked by a demon. Having the jewel hidden inside her body, Kagome soon has it taken out and it is not long before a demon steals it and she shoots the jewel with an arrow and it shatters into thousands of peaces. Over the course of the series, InuYasha, Kagome, and the friends they come to meet battle Naraku in a race to rebuild the jewel before Naraku can use it for his own evil purposes. Will InuYasha and his allies stop Naraku in time or will Naraku triumph and become the most powerful demon to ever exist?
 Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0290223/plotsummary

Tadinya gue bikin summary sendiri, eh tapi panjang banget. Hayati keburu capek.

Nah, selama 5 tahun belakangan, gue telah menonton anime ini 7 kali, dari episode 1-167 dan 1-26 yang season Final Act! Dan nontonnya selalu lewat youtube, bayangkan berapa kuota internet yang udah gue habiskan di 5 tahun belakangan ini.
LOL what a determination.

Kenapa gue suka nonton Inuyasha?

  • Ceritanya keren! PA-RAH. Gak cuma tentang romance aja, tapi berantemnya tuh juga keren. Jurus-jurusnya, weapon, semuanya deh... Suka banget sama battle-nya. Terus ada sisi friendship  dan humor juga disini. Porsinya bagus banget deh, gak terlalu sweet tapi gak boring juga
  • Karakter-karakternya kuat semua. Serius deh... gimana ya, susah dijelasin. Contoh, Kagome tuh perempuan yang ceria, big-hearted, ekspresif, emosional, gitu. Kalo Inuyasha tuh orangnya gengsian parah. Kikyo tuh cold-cold gimanaa gitu diluar, impresif awalnya jahat padahal ternyata tragis banget kisah hidupnya.. Ku sedih
  • Fluffy moments between the characters got me kya kya banget. Gue beneran bisa guling-guling di kasur atau gigit-gigit bantal. #SudahTerlaluLamaSendiri
  • Inuyasha ganteng. Iya, maafin gue udah bilang gini. Tapi emang dia tokoh anime terganteng yang pernah gue tau. Gue juga baca manga One Piece punya Om, nonton Maid-Sama, Dragon Ball dan Toradora (+Shinchan, Doraemon, Chibi-Maruko chan hahaha), tapi ngga ada yang seganteng Inuyasha. 
  • Suaranya Inuyasha bikin meleleh. Kalo dia lagi teriak "KAGOME!" saat mau menyelamatkan Kagome gitu, jantung khoirun berasa mau copot banget deh. Sweet abis aku pusing #SudahTerlaluLamaSendiri. Tapi gue gak freak sampe nyariin dubber dia siapa kok ^^
  • Love story Kikyo-Inuyasha-Kagome tuh complicated abis. Menguras emosi jiwa dan raga banget lah. Tapi selain itu ada juga Kouga yang suka sama Kagome, gitudeh.

Nah pas tahun kapan gitu saat gue masih SMA, Inuyasha: The Final Act release, gue seneng banget tuh! Gue nungguin tiap minggu loh di Star World. Itu kalo udah  ada Inuyasha di TV, gilee... ada nyamuk pun gue diem aja haha..

Dan ending dari anime Inuyasha secara keseluruhan adalah:
Kikyo mati (lagi) dan Kagome tinggal di Feudal Era........ bersama Inuyasha!
Apakah mereka nikah? Sepertinya iya, soalnya Souta(adeknya kagome) bilang ke temannya "My sister is now married" gitu deh di episode terakhir.

Tapi............... gue belum puas banget sama ceritanya. I wanna see them get married! PLIZ. Setelah 12 tahun nonton animenya, ujung-ujungnya gak diliatin nikahannya tuh..... hancur hati adek
That's why, sekarang gue baca fanfiction Inuyasha mulu. Mencari-cari cerita yang bisa bikin gue kyakya #SudahTerlaluLamaSendiri

Ohya, orang yang nonton Inuyasha bisa dibagi jadi 2 kubu. Inuyasha-Kagome dan Inuyasha-Kikyo. Kalo aku sih Inuyasha-Kagome for life banget.

Entah kenapa akhirnya tadi googling gini
who does inuyasha likes the most? kagome or kikyo
Dan ada jawaban:
I believe Inuyasha preferred Kikyo, wherein the manga he encounters a flower Prince who leaches off of the sorrows of others, he detects in Inuyash's heart that he wished to die with Kikyo, or to follow after her, which says enough. Kagome comes second to that if anything. 
Inyuasha loved Kikyo, but she died, then Kagome came in and filled the void, but all in all, his heart still belongs to Kikyo. That is why he can never forget her. Inuyahs knows that Kikyo is dead and that Kagome is alive, he wants her to know rest and peace, but is unable to make that happen for her. Kagome is someone he needs to protect, her life is important to him, but if Kikyo were still alive or was somehow brought back to life (for real) he would go to her. Inuyasha fell in love with Kikyo, Kagome is just her replacement. She is everything that Kikyo was for him, and who can truely say for sure that everything Kagome has done for him isn't what Kikyo could have done had she lived! This is what Kikyo herself feels, had she lived she would have been the one warming his heart! (check it out, Inuyasha episode 23)Inuyasha never speaks such deliberate and absolute words of affection to Kagome except towards the end, when he confesses that he would protect her with his life, and that happens only after Kikyo's final death. Relieving him of the deversion from having come to this resolve sooner. 
Inuyasha is and always was destine to end up with Kagome, but if it wasn't for the strong feelings he had towards Kikyo, it is doubtful that an afair would even have developed between them to begin with. (episode 14) Kagome begins to sence Inuyasha's bond with Kiyko within her, and it draws her in, developing a romatic and tragically sad perspective view of Inuyasha, wooing her changing her mind on a number of things, bring her to feel a greater amount of compasion for him. It is here where the seeds of their relationship are truly sewn, as desine for fate. 
source: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/inuyasha/answers/show/68023/who-does-inuyasha-likes-most-kagome-kikyo 
Well, gue nangis baca ini.
Tadinya gue bersikukuh bahwa Inuyasha's real love adalah Kagome. Karena Kikyo ga terima Inuyasha apa adanya, gitu. Dan Inuyasha cuma kesepian saat itu jadi yaa pas ada Kikyo, cinta deh (jijik nulisnya). Gak seperti Kagome yang terima Inuyasha apa adanya gitu dan dia percayaaa banget sama Inuyasha.

Tapi.. pendapat di atas yang bilang Inuyasha prefer Kikyo pun makes sense.
DUH SEDIH. Tapi, pendapat gue juga banyak yang setuju, kok!

Yaudahlah, yang penting Inuyasha sama Kagome di akhir. Sorry, Kikyo.

Tapi gak se-simple ituu. Aduhh. Coba bayangin misalnya ada orang dari masa lalu pasangan lo yang dateng gitu aja kan gimana gitu ya.
Hahaha yaudah sih kenapa baper malah nangis-nangis, go back to your codes aja Nid tuuuh urusin.

After all the craziness above, the reason why I write this post

I just want to write one thing that has been a part of my life: Inuyasha. It will be nice if someday I read this post and laugh, just like what I do now every time I read my old post about AC Milan. Well, here is my story: living my life as muslimah. I am not gonna hide it because InuYasha is been a part of my life journey, just like AC Milan and Guns N Roses as well. I managed to leave both of them, and I am pretty sure I will succeed in leaving Inuyasha completely. But still, just like the two others, they were a part of my life, and they make Nida as Nida :)

So, InuYasha-sama, I hope this month will be our last journey together. 12 years are enough for us. Have a nice life with Kagome and your pups! ;)

An ex ultras milanisti 

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