Does Hijab stop your dreams?


Assalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullah.

Glad to see you guys after long time no post. Yep, My high school life really takes my time. But today's a holiday \('_')/

I wanna tell you something. I have made a huge decision. It's not that hard as you think but it ain't that easy, too.

I wear hijab everytime now.

  • { "O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (jalabib) close round them (when they go abroad)..."} (33:59)
  • { "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms..." (24:31) "
  • { "... And when you ask of them (the wives of the Prophet) anything, ask it of them from behind a veil. . ." } (33:53
  • "Ayesha (rad.i-Allahu `anha) reported that Asma’ the daughter of Abu Bakr (rad.i-Allahu `anhu) came to the Messenger of Allah MHMD while wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: 'O Asma’! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands." [Abu Dawud]
Just like those ayat and hadits say, it's an obligation for a girl who has been mature to wear hijab.

And, Ustadzah Sa'diah told me that my parents would be punished in hereafter if I didn't wear it. I love my mom&dad. And I can't imagine how sad I will be for that reason.

The cool fact is: I had dreamt something about this stuff when I was at 10th grade. In my dream, The world was lightless. I couldn't see anything. I was afraid. I wondered if it would be the end of this world. And Ustadzah Sa'diah gave a advice to me to wear hijab.

So I started to think over about it.
And last month, I told my mom for the very first time that I want wearing it. Did my mom agree easily? Nope. She told me that it was just my temporary want. She said that I was just a high-schooler, My life was still long.

I was definitely sad. How could my mom say it? No body knows whether my life will be long or not. No body knows. I told it to Bia, Chika, Ika and the others. I asked them for some advice.

I didn't quit. I was still at my top point that I wanted wearing hijab.
I told my mom for twice. Did she finally agree? Nope. She was still with her reasons.
I was frustrated enough. And syaitan came to tear up my heart. I thought that I couldn't enjoy my high school life with Hijab. I would be old-fashioned. I would look like an old woman. Various thoughts came.

Then I borrowed Chika's book titled "Jilbab Pertamaku'. That book really helped me a lot. The true stories behind somebody's first hijab pushed me up.

Was I finally strong enough? Nope.
I came to Shanny's birthday party. I wore dress. And I thought that I couldn't wear that dress anymore if I wore hijab. After coming home, I opened my cupboard, seeing some cute clothes that I had. I was deeply labile.

Til I met Fatma from UK on twitter. I asked for her blackberry pin then we had a short chat.
She said:

"... We're all human, we all get tempted but when ever you are close to temptation just remember that Allah is watching us... What would he say? How would he want us to dress? etc. You can still dress up without desobeying what Allah has requested us to do..."

"...But remember, this life is just a test, would you rather wear a dress and get punished in the hereafter or wear hijab and contain your modesty and be rewarded in the after life? This life is VERY short compared with the after life..."

How amazing those words are!

After that, I bought batik uniform with my money. I went to Rabbani shop and bought 2 hijab colored white and dark red.

I went to my mom telling her for the third times that I wanted wearing hijab.
What did she say? "Okay, It's up to you"

So preparing time came.
When my first day wearing it, I asked for everyone to help me wearing it right (-_-")

Was there any problem after wearing it?
Yep, Somebody agreed. Others didn't.
When I went outside my house with wearing hijab, I felt like everybody took a look at me. I felt weird but after 3 days, they started acting like usual.

Alhamdulillah, I officially have been wearing hijab since February 19th 2011. And Insya Allah will keep it until my last breath. Amin.

  • Lot of salams are sent to Rasulullah SAW who has been inspiring me until this second.
  • I thank to my mom&dad and family. I finally understand now that my mom was sufficient doubt with me whether I could be strong to face this world by wearing hijab. I promise will make my mom proud of me ;)
  • I thank to Ustadzah Sa'diah, all of teachers at As-Salafiyah, and everybody who has taught me.
  • I also thank to Bia, Chika, Ika, Acil, Fatma, Shanny, Nadhira and all friends that have pushed me through those hard time. I'm happy for having y'all.
  • The last but not the least, thank for those weird-lookings. You all make me stronger

Take a look at me.
I wear hijab and I still have lot of friends beside me.
I wear hijab and still do some business.
I wear hijab and still have dreams to reach.
I wear hijab and still do blogging.

This hijab is not the end of everything.
It's a brand new start to face this hard life. I'm not that good as you think. I'm in the process to be a better muslimah. For that, Pray for me.

Dear friends,
Ask your heart now. Don't you love Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW? Do you want seeing your parents get punished there? Or at least, Do you know when will The Day come to you?

May Allah bless us. Amin.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullah.

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