Journey to another personality


Do you remember when I said I wanted to be a quiet girl? Hmm, I hope you do. I wrote a post here about how I adore a quiet girl, click here.
I wasn't kidding when I said: I will try to be.

Yup I've been trying my self to be a quiet one. By the quiet one I also mean a shy one. Hmm ya, I'm currently a total extrovert but I'm trying not to. It's been 3 days since I committed to actually. Now I can see a world with another view and it's good. it calms my heart.

Day 1: Monday, Septemebr 8th 2014.
Nothing changed but I started to be shy to speak in front of others. This is a nice alert! hahaha, I've almost never had any problem in public speaking before. I remember, I even was nervous when I led a meeting of Business IT Case Competition. I just didn't know how to lead.  Interesting enough. Nice beginning.

Day 2: Tuesday, September 9th 2014
I don't remember much. The only interesting part was: I didn't know how to express my feeling in Customer Relationship Management class. I love that study and its lecturer soooo much. I usually was active in class. But in this Tuesday, I feel different. My mind was filled by answers when my lecturer asked (yup, she gave students much question). Although I knew the answers, I just kept it in my mind. Hmmm I actually answered some question but I remained silent most in that class. Nice try.

Day 3: Wednesday, September 10th 2014
I felt good nowadays. I finally know how it felt not to talk much. Yeah even though I laughed much in Communication and Data Networking, I still felt like I changed. And it felt good.

You know, it's funny how people asked me what happened to me. I looked different. My eyes looked so sad. Hahaha, it always happens to an Extrovert. People will consider that something bad happened to an extrovert one when she or he remains silent.

Hopefully I can be like what I want to be and please Him, Allah Jalla Jalaluh.

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