Your life is not all about you.


Currently seeing my mom's face while she is sleeping. Heart breaking. I know she is so tired. I know life is hard for her. I just want her to be happy. And there is no greater happiness than jannah. How I wish Alloh will reunite me and all of my family in jannah. Without having to go thru hell before :'(

So, dear my own self,
Everytime you feel like you want to give up trying,
Everytime you feel like you want to live young and reckless,
Remember about your mom. Your dad. Your parents.
You want them to be happy, don't you?

Don't be selfish. Your life is not all about you.

Jadi anak sholehah ya, khoirunnida.
Keep going. Keep trying. Gapapa kok kalo lo ngerasa apa banget kaya gitu padahal deep inside you are so bad. You deserve a second, third, fourth, fifth and so-on chance.

Keep going.

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