What is in my gallery this week


These are photos I have in my gallery this week. 


Went to Desa Wisata karena ada berkas LPJ pelatihan asisten yang harus ditandatangani

Currently read this e-book. Great Masya Alloh.

love her <3 font="">


Her new hair color is da bomb!!!! My fave youtuber.

Students presenting their solution to a case study in CRM class. Great job! I should have found them earlier so they can join biz-IT case competitions.


Pohonnya serem, takut niban mobil jadi ku pindah parkir setelah mengambil foto ini.

My mini foot compared to Ivan's shoes yang nomor sepatunya 43 hahahahahah.

i. wanna. buy!!!

pasar rebo and its madness.


grandma's cats

my smart brain thought Labuan Bajo and Komodo Islands are two different locations. LOL. Semoga bisa jalan-jalan ke sana.


view from my room. pukul 5.00
view from my room; pukul 05.15

pukul 05.30

jenguk Icin yang lagi hamil bayi kembar 7bulan. chuw bgtttt uda gede hahahahahhaha kayak 9 bulan ya kalo kembar emang besar deh. terus as always, dpt wejangan masalah lovelife~~


Found kucing yang super ganteng dan bersih. gemez!!

Sate taicahan goreng FTW. ENAK BGT.

arisan keluarga mpiii.

nemu cutie di Pd Gede. kasian kamuuu, semoga ada yang ngurusin kamu.

That is it.

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