If we can speak good, why not?


Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Dear brothers and sisters in deen,
This heart hurts so much seeing our adab in reminding others who do some fault in practicing deen.
I don't think I'm good, because I also have (and pretty sure, still) done such as thing. But as a muslim, none of days should be passed without evaluating our self, our akhlaq and our ilm.... right?

Remember this hadits!
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam says,
“بُعِثْتُ لِأُتَمِّمَ صَالِحَ الْأَخْلاَقِ”
“Verily I have been but sent to perfect the most noble of manners.” [narrated by Al-Hakim, shahih]

Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah rahimahullah puts the application of noble character into aqidah matters. He says ,

“And they (al-firqoh an-najiah ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah) call to the application of noble character and good deeds. They believe in Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam 's words, “What allows many to enter paradise is taqwa of God and good character.“ And they ask you to  build silaturrahim with people who cut it off, so that you give for those who don't give anything to you, you forgive those who turtore you, and ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah order to worship your parents, build silaturrahim, have a good neighborhood, act nice to orphans, the poor, and traveller, also act softly to the slave. They (Ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah) prohibit to act arrogant, also prohibit  to do dzolim and have enmity to others (with causes or not). They order us to behave noble and forbid from the bad akhlaq”. [read Matan 'Aqiidah al-Waashithiyyah]

See my brothers and sisters, even this akhlaq matter is connected with aqidah, because the one whose aqidah has been straight will have a good akhlaq too. Really, the pure and clean heart will not even show anything bad, included bad akhlaq.

Some of us deny when reminded by Akhlaq matters like it's not important to our life. Whereas, earlier scholars learn Adab and Akhlaq first before they learn another ilm.

Imam Abdullah Ibnul Mubarak Rahimahullah (passed away in 181 H) said  : I have learned Adab for 36 years then I have studied Ilmu for 20 years.

Imam Muhammad bin Sirrin  Rahimahullah (passed away in 110 H) said : They (Salafus Shalih)  learned the guidance of  Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (Adab) like they learned Ilmu. 

Look how scholars learned adab and akhlaq, in a long time. So when they had ilmu, they would be a ahlul ilmi with wisdom, their ilm is useful and acceptable to human being.

While we, show the knife before we know how to use it. So that we are easy to judge something bid'ah/misleading, reminding others in a hard way. Then, do not blame others if our dakwah is hated or left by people, not because they do not want to accept it, but it might because our wrong manners.

Based on my analysis if a learner doesn't learn adab&akhlaq rightly, things that might happen are:
  1. We usually feel extremely spiritful in our first experience in learning deen when we got new knowledges, for example bid'ah or shirk stuffs. With that high spirit, we tell our parents or friends about it, in a hard way. Without thinking the maslahat or mudharat that might be happened. What's the matter is: “Qulil Haq walau kaana murran, tell what's right even it is bitter”. Many ikwah are boycotted by their parents or environment because of it. And that makes us think "This is ghurabaa, islam is strange". Whereas, it might be because of our rude words to others, we are the one who make our selves strange, likely. Akhlaq management is needed, so we will be wiser in telling the truth.

2. We often comment to others' fault with premanism style, and that shouldn't be done to us who call ourselves as a tholib/tholibah. For example:
  • We give advices to our sisters who haven't worn jilbab and we say that they are equals to kuntilanak or whatsoever. Come on, can't you feel how hurt it is?
  • We often lable something negative that comes from others, even if it is positives. Just because they do not understand what bid'ah is. Can't we just....see the words, not the speaker?

Islam spread greatly because of the softness of Rasulullaah shollallahu'alaihi wa sallam in his dakwah. I can read qur'an know because of  the sabr of my parents in teaching me deen. I was curious to learn islam more because my friends' good way in giving me advices.

Despite of those, It's all about Allah's guidance.
Verily! You (O Muhammad ) guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided [Surah Al-Qasas, 56].
May this post become our reflection and evaluation together, I just want salafiyyun to be an icon for good akhlaq and noble knowledge, because salafusshalih were really like that. 

I ask for your all commentar and criticism because I also have done much fault. I'm sorry if I have done something bad to you, may Allah forgive all of us. 

Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh.

Written by Ummu Abdillah.
Translated and Added by Bintu Hakim.

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