I understand how challenging parenting might be in my era few years later. Oh, how I haven't even become a good woman til right now. That is why everything doesn't need to rush.... Masih banyaak banget hal yang harus dipelajari, dibenahi, disusun dari sekarang.
I will take care of you all with all my best, oh dear apple of my eyes.
Diriwayatkan Al-Hakim, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
ما نحل والد ولده أفضل من أدب حسن
“Tiada suatu pemberian yang lebih utama dari orang tua kepada anaknya selain pendidikan yang baik.” (HR. Al Hakim: 7679).
Seorang tabi’in yang bernama Sa’id ibn al-Musayyib rahimahullah juga pernah berkata,
إني لأصلي فأذكر ولدي فأزيد في صلاتي
“Ada kalanya ketika aku shalat, aku teringat akan anakku, maka aku pun menambah shalatku (agar anak-anakku dijaga oleh Allah ta’ala).”
Stand by me... Hold my hand. Together we'll walk to Jannah. insya Alloh.....
Stand by me... Hold my hand. Together we'll walk to Jannah. insya Alloh.....
Dihhhh katanya love later study first, tapi teteup aja yang dipikirin mah kruciiil melulu LOL
life and dreams,

Kemarin, gue jatoh 2 kali (di tempat yang berbeda) sampai lutut gue berdarah, lecet, dan bengkak sampai sekarang. Padahal pake rok jeans terus dalamnya pakai celana panjang juga, tetep aja ni lutut jadi korban.
Gue emang gak belajar dari kesalahan kemarin, harusnya gak usah jalan cepet-cepet. Jatoh sampai 2 kali kan makanya.
yup, no need to rush.
melangkah dengan mantap, tidak perlu tebruru-buru. fokus ke depan, jangan liatin jalan orang lain, jangan menoleh ke belakang, ingat tujuan, hati-hati.
kalau pun pada akhirnya harus jatuh dan berdarah, bengkak, sakit, ya sudah. nikmati rasanya, obati, terus melangkah lagi dengan lebih hati-hati... lebih mantap :)
Love can wait, but education can not.
Oh, dear wind breeze from other contingent, here I come!!!
Hundred of papers that i have been working in the past few months is already submitted.
Thank you for the sleepless nights, the tears, the oh-how-lame-your-writing-is, the coffee, the dramas, the how-stupid-i-am feeling, the crazy talks, the tiring days, the laughs with friends in campus lab in the middle of the night, the i-need-someone-right-now attack, the hunger in the middle of night, the missing laptop, and everything.
i have submitted it! i know it sounds so lame, but.... hell yes, I did!
i did it with the help of Him, of course. again and again. all over again.
it is only Him who always is there to listen to every bit of my stories, to help me, to push me up when i feel so weak.
i feel loved.
and it is Him who makes me feel so.
"And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided." (QS Al-Baqarah: 186)
catching up blog in this D-7 deadline. chapter one to five are already finished except one theory in chapter two to write. i planned to submit my thesis on D-7 actually, but, i was beyond leha-leha 'til i am running out of time. the challenging part is, i have to stay over night in campus to completely finish my thesis because my laptop has been robbed. today i only sleep for 2 hours, at 1 to 3 PM. LOL THANKS TO CAFFEINE! why so not healthy.... but.... i am so glad i have many friends here too who currently are working on theirs. we break fast together, sahoor together, laugh together over silly things, etc. besides, i am glad they still focus on romadhon too! really peaceful listening to them reciting qur'an after sholat :)
another part: i miss my family at home...
good luck for us, guys! we can do it!
You are a warrior. Warriors do not give up, they do not back down. So pick up your sword and shield and you go fight. You go fight! I will be with you.
This video by Ustadz Armen Halim Naro (rahimahullah) is really soul-feeding. Feeling like torn apart every time I listen to this lecture. O, soul, what do you expect from this dunya?
Alhamdulillaahi 'ala kulli haal.
Today I lose my laptop. My mom's window car was broken by the thief. It actually was weird because we just left the car for about 15 mins, near Nenek Adit's house. I was the first one realizing window was crashed.. and (stupidly) I immediately was in tears because.. I lose my laptop.
My almost-four-years laptop with thousands of data in it. Not only data, they are my memories. That laptop was accompanying me in achieving many things in my entire college career.
And they just grasped it from me.
But then, I have to let it go. I have to let all the memories in that laptop go, and cherish what's left in my brain. This is His plan, after all.
Welcoming june.
it's been 4 years since i don't celebrate any birthday, including mine. also, it's been four years since i have avoided to say any saying like "happy birthday" or "happy milad" or whatsoeva to my friends. simply because birthday is not coming from islam and it is tasyabbuh bil kuffar (#conservativemoslem: mode on)
but.. i don't know why i started to feel like i am excited of june (again), since a year ago.
i know it is wrooong at so many levels because why on earth do i have to get excited of my own birthday... isn't it the same with celebrating it?
well, i am sorry. i just miss the way people notice my existence. haha, human nature.
hmm.. i don't know but i am crying right now. i feel worse.. i don't fulfill my promise, i told june i wanted to be better. but look at me... i am a total mess, i can't even handle my own life.
it's just an older version of my self, but nothing changes in a good way. i am still immature, i can't manage my own money, and i am far away from Allah, june. i make a lot sins. like, a lot. i am losing the best version of nida. i am losing her for the sake of....... world? i am worried.
how if i get worse and worse each day? how if i completely lose my ideology just because i want to feel like i am loved? how if i...................
well, i think i have to get worried over it every day so that i'm reminded that i am just a slave of Him.
i'm nothing but numbered of days.
22 years have passed, yet my deeds are not enough for akhirah.
o, khoirunnida, what happened with you? you could probably die today or tomorrow. what are you going to answer on the judgment day?
fear Allah. be a good muslimah.
i. am. begging. you. oh. my. own. self.