The path.



Talking things related to career ain't that easy. Deep down, I am still that kind of girl who wants to pursue a very bright career path; running the world.

But, I am content enough with what I have right now. I love my job and the barakah in it which Allah has given. Shodaqta Yaa Rasulullaah.. It is very true that rizq is not only about money. My health, my ability to go to majelis ilmu, my love for Qur'an and sunnah are all the rizq given by Him. Shodaqta Yaa Rasulullaah. Bukan lah angka di rekening bank yang membuat aku merasa damai. Tapi, kecondongan hati pada kebenaran lah yang membuat hidupku terasa lebih bahagia.

But still, Islam does not teach me to be poor. In fact, I have to be cool in my own way! Semoga kita semua bisa bermanfaat buat umat, dengan jalan kita masing-masing.

And, for habibae:

May Allah firm our heart upon the truth! <3 span="">

(gak tau apa hubungannya career path dengan habibae, LOL. 
Duh kayaknya mabok IELTS seharian jadi gini.....)

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