Before 23.


So many lessons I got with this all. God! As a person who (almost) always ran off whenever a problem occurred, as a person who always has binary mind, the problem I have now won't let me do such as things. life forces me to face it. I can not just go right now. What's more killing me is I have to act okay because... as the one who created this mess at the very first place, I have to show like I am mature enough to face it. Like it won't affect anything else. Tho in fact, it does. 

It really does.

Things will never be the same anymore, no matter how hard I try. There will be a gap between us. I knew it. I knew it from the very first time. But, I took the damn risk. Tho it hurt, I was willing to exchange our friendship state for the sake of my inner peace. Tho I sound so selfish, I believe it won't affect that person. 

Do I regret confronting this issue? No. I don't. I am going to be a 23 in 12 days ahead and there is nothing better I can give to my self except a state of inner peace, and a lesson to be more mature. 
Lol. mature. what a word.

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