A letter to me.


Dear Nida,
Right now you’re feeling insecure. You are feeling like you’re not good enough; pretty enough; smart enough; or just plain enough. You’re feeling like you try so hard, but sometimes it’s not good enough.
In your heart, you know that you are capable of so much. It’s not that you don’t love yourself, but you’re just not feeling completely “yourself” at the moment. I want to remind you of a few things. I want to remind you are that are so kindhearted, and that people value your friendship and the love that you give. I want to remind you that you are loved by so many people, even when they don’t always remind you of this themselves. I want to remind you that you are an incredible person and that you contribute so much to this world with your unique talents, gifts, and personality. I want to remind you that there is nobody quite like you in this world. And that is a thing to cherish.
It’s okay to feel insecure; insecurity is a natural feeling. But darling, don’t let it take you over. Please stop comparing yourself to others. Believe it or not, the people that you compare yourself to also compare themselves to others at time, and probably have compared themselves to you! We all get insecure, and sometimes we all don’t feel like we are enough. Please know in your heart that these differences between you and others are what makes our world such a wonderful place to live in. Dearest You, please value your uniqueness and never wish you were born a different way. You are God’s creature. And He made you enough.
Know that you are so beautiful. No, I’m not talking about just your looks. I’m talking about your inside. You have so much to offer, and anyone would be lucky to cross your path in their life. You are kind, gentle, thoughtful, funny, and fun to be around. People leave this world better because of you. Do you know how special that is? That your presence contributes to a better world? My dearest You, why have you forgotten that? In the end, the only thing that matters is how you made others feel.
Dearest You, I want to ask a favor of you. Please think back to when you felt most proud of yourself. Was it when you were graduating college? When you had your first born child? When you earned your dream job? I would like for you to go back in that moment when you felt invincible. Hold that memory close to your heart. Remember how capable you are of changing the world and how unstoppable you are. Insecurity is nothing but a few negative thoughts that drag you deeper and deeper down the more that you let them bother you. I would like for you to remember a positive experience that will lift you back up from those depths and remember how much you love yourself.
Dearest You, I know you can rise above this. Don’t let a hardened heart prevent you from being wonderful You. Shake off those feelings. The world is yours for the taking. But only if you believe in yourself.
I know that deep in your heart, you know your worth. You just needed to be reminded of it.
Love always,



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