Not now
Dear beloved program I want to study,
I know there is possibility for us not being ended up together.. for me to never be able study in your campus. I know I have said to myself million times not to love you too deeply, because as I know, expectation hurts a lot. At least, it always did to me. I know you are not just a part of my worldly dream, I sure want you to lead to me to jannah. But, I am just a human. I know a little part of you are my worldly dream. which I have to avoid.
for all the dilemma I have inside of me, I know I want you.
however, I also know everything happens by Allah's permission.
so, if all my life I won't be able to study outside this city, I pray that I am content enough with everything. I pray that whatever will be, I will be happy and grateful with qadarullaah.
But now,
I won't give up on you.
Not yet. Not now!
/abis buka e-studiegids terus beneran nangis karena segitu sukanya sama programme itu/
/Ya Rabb.. jauhkan aku dari kecintaan terhadap apapun selainMu yang berlebihan. amin/
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