Just breath


It's sooo crazy sometimes to find my self feeling really sad when I happened to see/hear a slight negativity in my surrounding.

But that's okay... because it is me!! There will be no 'me' without the extreme feelings, right? Lol.

Alhamdulillaah. Alhamdulillaah. Alhamdulillaah. All praise is to Alloh for everything happened in my life. I know, there will always be sad moments, disappointments, and another negative things (in human perspectives) in my life. But, it is all because this worldly life is not my home.

Aah.. To whom I can share all the tears except with Him and only Him? 
As my death belongs to Him, so does my life❤️ there is no cure of this worldly pain but to just be content with His destiny❤️

Fyuuh.. let's take a breath and remove all the negative feelings inside this soul❤️ 

I love my life with its uniqueness. I love all the drama, the positivity, the negativity, everything.  Insya Alloh, I can❤️ 

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