Of failure and life: 2.


maa qodarallahu khoyr.

“ Yosemite ”

Well, how am I going to write about this... 
So, I just got my LPDP scholarship final announcement few minutes ago. I failed. again (second time!).

The good thing is, I am not even crying or whatsoever. Yes, I am a human and I kinda felt a very very slight sad because I felt like I made my family disappointed, but I realized that it was just one of shaytan's whispers for me to get sad over worldly life. Overall, my heart feels very fine. In these recent weeks I have been trying to gain inner peace by reading islamic books and listening to asatidz's lecturings. Turned out, it helps a lot for me to get rid of Hamm (Worry) about worldly matters. Rule #1: Whatever meant for me will  never miss me.

That's it. 
This is just a bit part of 1ife dan yaudah wkwkwkkw #perasaanapaini. Tbh gue kaget banget sik gue biasa aja bcoz sekarang pun lagi 'something' dan biasanya kalo lagi something I'll cry over silly things tapi ini ngga. Gooood for my heart becoming strong.

For another journey in a road I walk. Semangat!

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