Cerita Magang Nido


It's me writing in Pancoran Barat Transjakarta Shelter. I'll probably continue writing when I'm in TJ bus. When you read this, I am already in home.

Yap, this is my new blogging habit.
Writing when I am bored on my way to something, and then post it when I'm at home. Thanks to Evernote!

Dear readers, you probably won't read this. This post will be all about me as the main character. I warn you from the very beginning, I am a girl with stories. You will hate listening to my stories.

I am currently working in a digital agency initialed EA. It is located in Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan. I am in a social media team there.

It's actually not my first job. You can see my previous jobs in my LinkedIn profile: here.
Many of my friends ask how I can get job easily. All I can answer is:
  • Have much friends from many circles, different age; It shouldn't be your main reason to get friends with other people actually. Kalo gitu lo ada maunya dong namanya. What I'm about to say is: Dari sini lo bisa dapat banyak insight baru, a bigger perspective of seeing a problem plus informasi terkini. That is why gue lebih nyaman temenan sama orang yang lebih tua.
  • Browse it yourself; Guys, opportunity doesn't come to you, you go to it. Coba deh googling lowongan-lowongan kerja. Coba freelance.com, JobDBS, etc. Or you better follow @kampusUpdate @IDstudentjob
  • Be active; we don't live alone. Ask your friends, your seniors, even your family. Kali aja mereka punya informasi lowongan apaa gitu.
  • Do not give up; lo gatau udah berapa lamaran yang gue kirim kan? Hahaha. Dalam waktu 2 tahun ini, Puluhan. Dan gue udah selow aja sih kalo gadapet he he.

Nah itu doang sih tips a la gue.

I also got this opportunity via @IDstudentjob. I actually applied 3 jobs. It is all related to social media and marketing, which have been my concerns lately. 

The first company replied my email in the morning of Monday (Jan 12th 2015), they arranged my interview on Tuesday Jan 13th 2015.

The 2nd company replied my email on the same day, afternoon. They asked me to write  articles with deadline in Thursday Jan 15th 2015.
So I had an interview at Tuesday, and guess what.. Alhamdulillah they phoned me on Wednesday, I got my job.

Tapi yang bikin galau adalah, perusahaan ke 3 telpon gue di Rabu sore dan gue di interview by phone with English. Dannn somehow gue ngerasa challenged dengan perusahaan ketiga. after that, they asked me to do a recruitment task with deadline on Thursday. Tugasnya ga berat, mirip pertanyaan interview. Galau banget mau ngerjain tugasnya atau lupakan saja dan enjoy dengan kerjaan yang udah dapat.

Setelah konsultasi dengan Kak Dewi, gue pilih perusahaan pertama, which has been my current office now.

Jadwal kerja gue dimulai jam 9 pagi sampai 17.30 sore. Kerjaan gue manage fanpage FB dari satu Brand ternama yg dibawah Unilever. What I love the most is: this brand is related to baking!!!

Do you know how much I love baking? Much.

So I enjoy this job very much because all I do is managing social media, related to baking, and I can listen to kajian tematik asatidz via livestreaming YouTube. hihihi.

Yang bikin mlz hanyalah perjalanannya. I use TransJakarta as public transportation. In the morning, it only takes 1 hour. But in the evening, it takes 1,5 to 2 hours :")

Dan nggak cuma itu, gue harus jalan kaki dari Shelter Transjakarta Pancoran Barat untuk bisa ke kantor. Karena nggak ada shelter yang persis di depan gedung kantor. Gue selalu ketemu sama Satpam CFC, penjual jas hujan dan ibu penyapu jalan. Seru deh kayak di film-film gitu, senyum-sapa-salam dengan mereka... Dan seperti biasa, I talk to my self about how I am ready to face the day.

Yup, I am story teller.

Those people I met kinda motivate me much, I mean.... I should be really grateful for my job. Because I don't have to work under the sun. I am still a college student, I do not have to look money for my family and my fee is more than enough for a single lady like me. Alhamdulillah. If those people can work hard, why can't I?

I warn my self not to spend much money. So that's why I bring my lunch from home. Bahkan gue ditanya gini sama teman

Nid, bawa bekal mulu, biar cepat naik haji ya lo?


Have I told you that I wanna be a quiet girl? I am currently being a quiet girl in my office. Gue pendiam banget sumpa gue bahkan gak ngobrol kalo gak ditanya. Bukan karena gue sedang adaptasi lingkungan baru, tapi gue emang secara niat menahan diri gue untuk menjadi Nido Si Anak Bawel......................  And I am enjoying it! Moga nggak muncul sifat aslinya yang terlalu periang ini ya...... Moga aku bisa jadi ciwi misterius seperti impian aku selama ini :")))

*insert pathetic emoticon here*

Another thing I love about my current office: musholla-nya pewe banget! Like, banget.
10x lebih pewe dari musholla fasilkom.
Luas, rapi, bersih, ber-AC, full hijab, imam sholatnya oke banget bacaannya Masya Allaah.

Walaupun harus turun dari lantai 21 ke lantai L terus ganti lift buat naik ke lantai 6, aku senang banget kesana. Jadi di kantor gue yg Muslim emang minoritas. Dibawah 7 orang kayaknya. Terus yg Muslimah kerjanya meeting di luar office gitu jadilah gue kalo sholat jalan sendirian. Nah di K-Link Tower tuh ada Bank Syariah Mandiri kan...... Mbak-mbak pegawai Bank-nya masya Allah deh abis sholat tuh pada tadarusan gitu. Ademmm sekali suasananya.

Speaking of Bank Syariah, Ku jadi ingat sesuatu........... Hmmm sudahlah.

Ohya, most of my college friends usually ask me why I work. My reasons are:
  • I crave for much best practice knowledge; I always say this to my self, that I want to be a e-business lecture someday Insya Allah. And I have to know best practices first so that I can teach my students the real life. Yup, working is not actually what I want. Teaching is.
  • I can't stand for studying only; I love to meet new people. I hate being in the same circle.
  • I need money; even though my mom always warns me that I should work for having experience only, I still need money. Yup, it is not the main objective. My fee is actually 1,33 times bigger than my monthly money from parents. they give me enough money but my expense is quite big. I pay for my tahsin class, Arabic class, pulse (which is literally my biggest expense because of the expensive TELKOMSEL) by my self. Since I'm not a cut-back person, I make money instead. Oh plus, BOOKS!!!! I hate the fact that I spend much money on books. Kay.

When college has come, I'll work in my current office as a part time insya Allah, my manager will look at my schedule first. I know it might sound crazy to you but yeaa... Just enjoy the show later hahaaha.

Psst, the other crazy thing is that I apply for 4 subjects as a teaching assistant.

By this post I also want to warn Muslimah who wants to have a part time job, I'm not teaching you to work okay. It's kinda complicated to tell you how I have to work when I graduate later. That is why I wanna be a lecture, for it is the safest job for Muslimah in my point of view.

I'm not a hella-smart student who can be a lecture easily. I have to work for it. I have to find the opportunity. And I currently am doing it. Eventhough I am not feeling challenged with my current job, I have to work smart! I believe no matter how little you are doing, if you do it awesome, then it is gonna be awesome.

So yeah, once again, i am not telling you to work. It is my situation. May Allah forgive me...... And dear friends, pray for me :-)

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