Cerita Magang Nido Vol 2.0: Beloved A!


Hi, everyone.

I wanna share my story about me and this A.

Do you want to know what this A is for me? Sok atuh nanya sama teman kampus gue, mereka pasti tau banget lah A ini siapa.

Yup, gue udah suka sama A sejak gue masih jadi fresh-man di kampus, which is 3 years ago. Pertama kali gue tau A itu dari siapa ya, gue juga lupa. Pokoknya sejak saat itu gue tau banget kalo A merupakan salah satu dream company-nya anak SIstem Informasi di Universitas Indonesia. Well, selain emang ini perusahaan bergerak di bidang IT consulting, banyak hal prestige lainnya, seperti:
  • ·         Kalo mau masuk A, minimal IPK-nya 3.5, jadi terkesan pintar aja gitu haha
  •   It is a multinational company and almost every B2B people know its bright side
  • ·         Gajinya besar. Well, mengenai hal ini nyokap selalu bilang gaji Pemda DKI Jakarta jauh lebih besar dan Khoirunnida seharusnya kerja di Pemda aja hahahaha.
  • Environment-nya okay banget for you to gain much knoIwledge and shine bright like a diamond

Jadi, apakah itu alasan seorang Khoirun suka banget sama si A?
Beberapa iya, beberapa enggak. I admit I need money to support my own living, but  I really am not a money-oriented girl. I believe there is something more valuable than money that I wish I have a ton of it:
I crave for knowledge in the expertise I am interested into. Like, that much.

Nah, about the reason why I like A, read my answer in the interview process with A below:

I love business and IT consulting world. Because it’s really dynamic and challenging. It requires not only your technical skill, but also critical thinking, problem solving and communication skill as well. Being a part of A is one of my life’s checkpoint. A is known as strong consulting company that have bright reputation in giving solution towards other companies. Since A is one of the biggest multi-national company for consulting, I really believe I can gain much knowledge in A by being involved in projects from many industries. Plus, it will always force you to know the latest technology, news, trends, or even innovations.

And not only just falling in love, I also am working to be a part of it. You can see my passion in this consulting world by looking at my past experiences. I was the first PIC of Business IT-Case Competition. I have been joining into some business case competitions and I won one of them, finally. So yeah, that’s my short explanation why I am interested in joining internship programme in A.
Guys, don’t believe it. I didn’t answer the interviewee’s question as good as it kok, hahaha.

Pergalauan batin

Akhirnya, semester 6 tiba. Orang-orang udah tau mau KP dimana, bahkan udah ada beberapa yang dapat KP. Gue belum daftar ke perusahaan manapun sampai maret, tau kenapa? Karena gue galau. First, I really wanna be a part of A. But my other side said no. It was like me battling against my self. 
The reason why I didn’t want to apply is because, I was afraid I was going to be accepted! SUCH AS CRAZY CONFIDENCE, HA!
While my friends were afraid nggak dapet, gue malah takut dapet. Kenapa takut dapet? Karena gue takut terlanjur nyebur ke dunia luar yang aduhai aduh asiknya hahaha.

Nah, tapi, the crazy side of mine malah mau banget gue apply. Karena jika gue intern di A, gue udah nggak penasaran lagi dan bisa melupakan keinginan gue yang mau jadi consultant terus-terusan. Beside, as I said before, being a part of A is really one of my life’s check point. So, I gotta challenge my self and prove that I can be a part of A while still being me.

Finally, on April 13 2015, Khoirunnida applied for the internship program.
(Parah deadliner banget kan)

Setelah nunggu sebulan, Khoirun galau juga kan kalo gaketerima KP dimana. Akhirnya daftar 3 perusahaan. yaitu:
  • A+; Sebuah perusahaan yang sangat menggiurkan karena oke banget plus banyak kajian sunnah nya disana! Interesting  banget ga sih bayangin abis kerja terus ngaji aw aw
  • Skha Consulting
  • VA2

 Udah itu doang. Tapi entah kenapa, dalam hati gue selalu yakin bahwa gue bakalan KP di A. Hahahaha. SUCH AS CRAZY CONFIDENCE, HA!

Recruitment Process

First, sepengetahuan gue, internship program di A itu gak dipromosikan secara umum gitu. I didn’t even know about it. Tapi, karena gue anak AFTLP (leadership program dari A), ya gue tau kan alamat email HR-nya, akhirnya gue apply deh. Gak cuma gue atau anak non-AFTLP kok yang apply, yang lain juga banyak.

So, gue dikasih tau tahapan proses pendaftaran intern di A itu sama seorang sohib gue di kampus, sebut saja namanya Rudal. There are 3 steps of this recruitment process
  1. Document Selection
  2. Phone Interview with HR
  3. Phone Interview with Project Manager

So, here is my story.

Document Selection

Disini yang dibutuhkan Cuma CV, Transkrip, dan dokumen penting lainnya yang menurut lo harus banget ditunjukkin. Karena gue mah apa atuh butiran debu, gue kirimnya hanya one-page resume dan transkip nilai gue. As I said earlier, A itu terkenal dengan hanya nerima orang-orang yang IPK nya 3.5.

Dan lo tau berapa IPK gue kemarin saat gue daftar?
FAR AWAY FROM 3.5 asal tau aja. Like, far away.
But that doesn’t  stop me from applying there, because I believe I have so many things beyond it that can please A. SUCH AS CRAZY CONFIDENCE, HA!

Phone Interview with HR

Setelah 2 minggu apply via email, gue ditelepon juga sama mbak HR-nya. Gue inget banget tuh, di teleponnya pada saat gue lagi kelas EAI di lab ngoding web service, pas ngeliat nomor kantor gitu…. Gue deg-degan. Akhirnya gue keluar dan angkat teleponnya. Well, it was coming from A!!
Terus mbak HR nya nanya gue mau diinterview kapan, dan begonya gue langsung bilang saat itu juga bisa. Yak, warbiyasa sekali odongnya Khoirunnida yang preparation-less itu.
Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang ditanyain, yaitu:
  1.  About my self
  2. Our knowledge about A
  3.  Reason to apply
  4.  Our life’s projection from now on until 5 years later
  5.  Interested industries

And I did answer it with……………….. much stupidity. Very much that I couldn’t bear, so I ended up holding my tears and telling everyone that I failed.
I was at the low point of life and I just need your arms as my home #BHAY
Akhirnya mencoba let it go, tapi Khoirunnida nggak let it go let it go.

Sampai suatu ketika, nomor kantor A telepon gue lagi!
Waktu itu lagi ngoding propensi di perpus fasilkom, langsung keluar, kegirangan. Eh ternyata di interview lagi, tapi yang bikin gue gagal paham adalah……. Pertanyaannya sama kayak interview sebelumnya!
Kayaknya mbak HR-nya lupa deh pernah nelepon gue, akhirnya gue jawab aja deeh.

And all I can say is, I did answer it as Nida. And I pretty much relieved.

Interview with Project Manager

One fine day, I got an email from A telling me to have a project interview with related PM.
Yang membuat ini beda adalah………. I would have a face-to-face interview! Padahal teman-teman gue yang udah diterima, interviewnya by phone semua.
Disitu saya deg-degan. Jeng jeng.
I had two worries:
  •  GPA gue jelek dan gue harus bawa transkrip untuk kasih ke PM
  • Gue takut banget project yang ditawarin itu banking! GOSH. It againsts my belief banget kan. That…. Kinda matters, you know. Well, if I would fail, I had nothing to lose since it’s due to my belief J

Akhirnya, One fine day setelah selesai kuis EAI, Khoirun datang ke kantor A di daerah Sudirman. Then, had an interview with PM.
Bapak PMnya udah tua gitu, dia baik banget! HYU! Interview gue be like:
  1. ·         Kamu tau apa tentang A?
  2. ·         Tau SAP?

Udah ditanyain itu doang, parah. Dan beliau cerita kalo proyeknya tentang ERP sebuah manufaktur di daerah Sunter.

Plus, he gave me some motivations:
I want you to level up your GPA, ok. I am not saying it’s bad, but it’s better if it’s leveled up. Well, you can join us later when you graduate, but make sure your GPA is improved.  Oh ya, I am not having any problem with you being into my project. So yeah, HR will inform you really soon.
Allahuakbar. Allahuakbar. Allahuakbar.

First, my GPA doesn’t affect much for him.
Second, since the project is about ERP, nggak bakalan banking industry! Mana ada banking industry implementasi ERP? :p

Alhamdulillah, seneng banget khoirun pulang-pulang.

And yep,
On May 2015, I finally got an intern job in my dream company.
The other thing to be grateful for is, H-2 gue perdana kerja, gue tau proyek gue itu adalah miliknya si A+, sebuah perusahaan yang membuat gue galau juga.

Another one point of life: checked! I can’t say nothing but Alhamdulillah, it’s been His destiny from the very first beginning.
I finally got an internship program in my dream company, with a project in my other dream company, while being me.

But yap, another thing to overcome:
How to maximize this Ramadhan in worshipping Allah Jalla Jalaluhu while working in a what-so-called-as capitalism company hahaha.

Catch you soon with another story with the same subject, me.
There will be cerita magang nido vol 2.1 hahahah.


Khoirun yang kerjaannya udah kelar dari siang

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