

Welcome back, my lady! -Siti Zahra, a male cat with female name.

Oooooo... How I really miss my room. My little tiny cutie pie room. My sweety pinky room. My love, the place where I find light and eaten by darkness. The one I share my life with, the one who knows who the real me is,

I am back!

There is, of course, deep sadness in my heart to accept the fact that I will never be permitted to go back to Indonesian Qur'an Foundation. My pesantren-kinda life with dorm mates is over. I am so broken. But I have to put my health first and do the treatment as well as possible. I will keep pursuing my dream to memorize qur'an. Likely, I will double up my private lesson and do tahfidzh program with my arabic private teacher. She is a mentor in Rumah Qur'an also. Yayness!

Dear IQF mates who read my blog, thank you is not enough for you. jazakumullahu khoyran. thank you for letting this sinful lady with bad attitudes lives with you for 1,5 months. Do not forget about me, yah. Pray for me always.... I love you all for the sake of Allah. Go catch your dreams. May we all be hafidzhoh qur'an and meet in jannah, aamiin. 

Okay I write another post for IQF specially.

So speaking of my room, it is kinda empty because I put some of my stuffs at Hanifah dorm, IQF. And I think I need to re-decorate it because I will likely spend my times more in this room since I am not permitted to do any activity besides college (plus competitions and teaching assistant role, I begged my mom for this one).

My mom is going beyond strict, LOL. I have never treated this way. I used to be a super strong girl who goes everywhere I like. But now....
  • Nida you can not do anything beside college (#OKAY)
  • Nida you have to go home right after class finished (#OKAY)
  • Nida you can not kiss your cat (#OKAY)
  • Nida you can not be near with your cat, you will get infected (#WHAT?!)
  •  Nida you can not eat sambal, chocolate or blabla (#WHAT?!)
  • Nida you have to eat 5 white-eggs per day (#WHAT I am going to be fatter really soon, I am dead)
  • Nida you have to drink bear-brand milk 3 cans per day (#WHAT I am done with life, fat is coming)
  • Nida eat this
  • Nida eat that
  • Nida don't you dare do diet
  • etc

Khoirunnida will be a KUPU-KUPU (Kuliah-pulang-kuliah-pulang) in her last year, HA-HA-HA. And fat, really fat. My diet plan is over because I have to follow the treatment. Sadly, as planned by Noom coach, I could turn 47kg in this November huhu. But thinking how they force me to eat  a lot, I think I will be 80kg or something, GOD PLEASE HELP MEH..
It is okay lah, mau gimana lagi. For the sake of my health. For the sake of my family. For the sake of my future babies (hiks).

Anyway, I am kinda excited and scared at the same time. I am 100% a people person. I love to be with people. But, I gotta reduce my activities, which means I am going to have more time alone.

So, I am looking for a list of things to do!

I actually have a stack of dreams to reach in college, but it is so ambitious. I will still try to catch those dreams, tho. But now, I am looking for the FUN TO-DO-LIST! The kind of activities that are fun, useful, simple, not-tiring and impactful :}

I have browsed it on internet, and found some:
But I haven't found a perfect list. Thus, I decide to create one from the scratch. Still thinking what things should I do...

Hmmm.. Do you guys have any idea? What thing should I do? 
Please comment below if you have one. XOXO.

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