Nido's best moments of 2015



Alhamdulillaah I am so grateful for this beautiful year and really can't wait for the upcoming one.
In this post, I wanna share my best moments in 2015. I will do it counted down. I hope it can inspire you!

14. Knowing who is the one who gives comment on a particular post on my blog

Yup. Hahahahah I was sooo curious about this thing until I finally knew who! Turned out, that person is one of my college friend. When he admitted it, I was just like.... speechless hahahaha. If you read this, thank you anyway, for giving me advice! Please do remind me if I am wrong anytime^^

13. Completely healed 

After all these years, all the tears, the swirling emotions, the never ending question without answer, the dramas, my self-acceptance being questioned, heart being drained, I finally have....... let my past go. Yep, it takes me years to understand that I d0n't need validation from anyone to make happy. I am happy because of none but Him. I am so excited for my future that I don't care about my past :) Anyway, it is not about romance only, loh yaa :p

12. Having #masmasPhD

For those who don't know about #masmasPhD must never read my blog. #masmasPhD is just a term used for fun only. It doesn't represent anyone, wallahi. It doesn't mean I wanna get married with PhD only or with mas-mas only. It is just for fun, enuff said. And, having #masmasPhD as a term of my love life is one of best moment I found in 2015! Because now, I can laugh my self everytime I say #masmasPhD mwahahahha.

11. Being a committee of ICACSIS 2015

International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS) is a conference held by Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. I applied to be a committee of this conference and turned out I have to go thru an interview on a weekdays. I didn't attend for the interview because I had my summer work on that day. Surprisingly, they still accepted me to be a committee, and I am given the a liaison officer for VIP guests and Room coordinator role then. The committees were mostly academician, researchers, master students and only a few bachelor students. It was a great moment! Because I met important academician and researchers around the world. Eventho my responsibility was only LO, I really enjoyed every moment there. On the first day, the director of committee asked me to accompany an academician named Professor Subhan from University of New Zealand to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. I kinda changed my role to be a tour guide, back then. It was really nice. On the second day, I was responsible for the seminar event in a particular room. With Jodie and Adit, I had to make sure everything well in the seminar room. Really great because I finally know how it feels to be in a conference room, heheh. Overall, this experience was really cool because I worked with brilliant people. Someday, insya Allaah, I wanna get my papers submitted in international conferences too. AAMIIN.

10. Featured in two college events

If you ask about me to my college mate, they probably will describe me as: kemuslimahan and Business-IT case. These two things have made me who I am, in an awesome way! And guess what, in 2015, kemuslimahan FUKI Fasilkom asked me to be a moderator in MoveIT event and Himpunan Sistem Informasi asked me to be speaker in SI Gathering event. Soooo happy! Eventho I was still bad at being moderator and speaker, I definitely will look forward another event too. So that I can share what I know and sharpen my public speaking skill :P

9. Won 2nd place of Qur'an app design competition in MTQMN XVII

First computer-related competition in Musabaqah Tilawatul Qur'an Mahasiswa Nasional. I was asked by Ka Ujan and Ka Judin to be a delegate of UI in this competition. The team consisted of many people: me, faris, laila, ka ujan, ka judin, syifa and arsi. But only me, faris and laila who are shown up on the stage :) We made 7qur'an, an application to help people memorize qur'an. Like what I said in the end of our presentation in front of judges, we wouldn't stop there. Insya Allaah, in 2016 I and faris are going to have another project related to 7qur'an (the problem  to solve is more specified hehehe). Wait for us!

8. Won the 1st place of two Business-IT case competitions

Big achievement, indeed. The competitions were IT-Caso (held by Binus regular) and ISCC (held by Binus international). I won it with my other 2 team-mates, Haritztya Azka and Rizda Dwi Putra. Our team name is MORSEL. I am so glad I met these two super-smart guys. We REALLY didn't expect to win ISCC, tho. It was a tight competition with high-qualified judges from PWC, Mediatrac, and another big companies. The competition required us to speak and debate in english, too. But, yeah, we made it. Alhamdulillaah :')

7. Tour de East Java with big family

One thing #masmasPhD has to note, my family loves touring soooo much. In this year, my big family had 2 tours. The last one was tour de east java, full in a week! 7 days touring with big family in one single mini bus were really best moment in 2015! Semua orang ikuuut hihi. All the love, laughs, culture crash between betawi-jawa, different opinions, etc! I love my family so much, I whole-heartedly trade the happiness with my MKI score (yap, gue ngga ngerjain tugas jadinya hahaha). Will write about this tour in a separated post :)

6. Going around Singapore

Joining the APEX 2015 means I traveled to Singapore, too. Since I am not a girl from rich family, being able to travel outside my country for free is really a great moment. I did even hold my tears because of the joy I experienced in Universal Studio Singapore. I wished I could share the happiness
with my family :")

5. Tracking Ijen Mountain

I was the kind of girl who considered hiking mountain as a useless and wasting time thing to do. Like, why the hell do people hike mountain?! It is so dangerous, tho. But then, I just knew it was a fun and cool activity to do! We can contemplate the nature given by Him. . I did track gunung ijen, which is 2300mdpl, with my family (in the tour de east java). Yup, my family! Included my mom :) The track was really really hard. It took us 2 hours to go to the top. I was so sore I could lose consciousness. Not only that, my lung wasn't friendly hahahaha my mom kept asking me if I was okay or not. And I hiked that mountain with sendal swallow. Kaki gue kayaknya mau resign deh saking capeknya. But tracking mountain is addictive! All the nature beauties were worth the pain, tho. I definitely will track/hike mountain again! Hopefully with #masmasPhD ya?!

4. Having summer job in Accenture Indonesia

Almost every Information System student loves Accenture, including me! I have been dreaming to have an internship in this world class company. And I got it, alhamdulillaah. Those 3 months I experience there were so priceless. Beside the much money I got (uuuw $$$), I also learned a lot how to be a professional consultant there. I am so grateful I can have a great project team that are still contacting with me until now. They are so kind! Now, I am not curious about consulting company anymore and can focus to reach my dream as a lecturer. Hm... but who knows? Maybe I will work in a big4 company after graduating? HEHEHE.

3. Being UI delegate to APEX 2015, Singapore! And won plate competition!

APEX is an international Business-IT competition held by Singapore Management University. One university can only send 1 delegation team consisted with 3 students. Fasilkom held a selection process started around January 2015 for those who want to join. I applied and joined the selection process which consisted of interview and doing cases (plus presentation). The selection process was held for about 3 months. I actually didn't feel like I was going to be selected because there were cool people who are a lot smarter than me. I still remember how they announce who are going to be delegate. On a fine friday morning (around 8-9), I did my laundry in kontrakan just like usual. I got 3 buckets of laundry. After drying the first bucket in the sun, I went back to my bathroom to get the 2nd bucket. Somehow, before drying the second bucket, I checked my whatsapp (sempet-sempetnya ya nid). And tada.... in the delegate-to-be whatsapp group, Ka Rama announced that Dahru, Fitri and Khoirunnida are chosen to be delegate of Universitas Indonesia to APEX 2015. GOSH!!!! I just screamed and screamed. I was so shaking and couldn't believe it like really. I even asked Ka Rama, Ka Audrey and Fitri if it was true or not... hahaha. After that, I messaged my mom to tell her that I finally was chosen. Then, my kontrakan-mate (lagi ada viny, reade dan dindo) asked why I screamed. I told them I was chosen and they immediately hugged me. That really was a........ heart-touching moment for me. None can ever imagine how I really really want to join APEX since I was in the 1st year of college. Alloh meridhoi :') While joining the competition itself, so many great moments and lessons there. I will write about that in a separated post (#nowacanaplease)

2. Got sick, hospitalized for 10 days

This one is just so 2015 for me. Like, I have never expected that the strong nida will finally collapse, got a serious disease and had to be hospitalized for that long. Was an emotional journey for my soul, ever. I was on the lowest part of my life, back then. I suffered not just because of the imagination of death coming really close, but mostly because I made my family sad. I still remember that night, when I felt dying. My body was really really cold outside, but I feel burned inside. I couldn't think anything but death and all of sins I have done. My mom cried looking at me. She really thought I was dying too. Nurse finally brought something like heater so that I can feel cold less. After seeing myself a lil bit better, my mom received call from tante eri and cried... she said "This girl is so strong, she never shared anything to me...". Then, I cried silently. Gosh, How could I be that cruel? maki;ng my own mom sad? that was......... too much. In this moment, too, I finally know who matters and who don't. I call this best moment because it makes me closer to Him too. Aamiin :)

1. Being a part of Tahfizh Smart 4 program in IQF

Tahfizh Smart 4 is a program held by Indonesian Qur'an Foundation. The slogan was "Setiap detik harus bermakna". I felt that too! My life was really meaningful there. That was the point of my life where I feel really really close to Alloh, more than ever. The program made me remembering about Him every single second. I had never lived a life like that. That was...... beautiful. I met beautiful souls there too. That is the life I am looking for. I wanna live like that: to pray, to remember Him, to get close to Al-Qur'an, to do my role (student, for example) while holding to deen. There is no wonder why I put my 2,5 months life in IQF as the best of best moment in 2015. Really miss all of santri TS4 especially asrama hanifah! :") If my mom permits me to go back there, I definitely will. Please... pray for me :")

It's a wrap!
Everything that happened in 2015 is His destiny. So will 2016. Alhamdulillaah for everything.
I wish you can learn the lessons I got in this year, too, yaaa :)
See you later in 2016, in syaa Alloh.
Jangan tasyabbuh bil kuffar yah, stop celebrating things which Rasulullah didn't taught us:}
Happy holiday, tho!

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