How to lose hope: 101


One of the easiest ways to lose hope is going to a job interview. There, you either will realize how powerful or how hopeless yourself is. Somehow, when you are not lucky ─or maybe should be considered as lucky, the interviewer will ask a very brilliant question that makes you questioning about your self, your life, your plan. On an almost-rotten chair,  you answer the question given flawlessly, trying to impress the interviewer. Your answer might sound like it is made by one-hundred percents confidence and less sugar because you want the job so much! But, deep in your heart, you are wrecked. simply because you have thought about this before ─ so often, but you tried to deny it.

And there, you will realize that your thought was right. You might be too dumb for your dream job

The dream that you have been wanting since 5 years old seems so far away to catch now. You go home after such as interview with mixed feeling. You are not the optimist anymore, not the hoper of far-flung hopes, not even the dreamer of improbable dreams.

You will feel like you want to raise up again. Feeling like you will say "They told me I could not so I did it" in years ahead. Or say any kinda tumblr good-vibes only quotes. You will also try hard to trust God as much as you can.

But you can not.
You just.. lose hope.

They actually haven't announced it, yet.
But, if they reject me, I don't know what to do with life in any other way.
Oh dear Lord, is it Your way telling me I should just be a housewife instead?

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