

As a human being, we all have our own darkest time. It is when we let every negativity inside our souls. And so does him. I try to understand him frowning about what he called as his impairment ─ in which I disagree to call it so. Well, I can see how hard it is living with society's labels.

He is not like this, not like that. Not like what society wants him to be.
And there, where society started to label him as "a fail guy" or "a child with broken dreams" or  "just another lazy guy in college who doesn't want to work harder" or maybe just "a man with poor destiny".

The truth is: Fuck off, society. You know nothing about his life.

Oh, how I hate society and their labels.

But then, I realized something. I am a part of that kind of society, too! I (unconsciously) love giving labels to people, for example: the effortlessly smart woman, the smart woman because of studying 24/7 a day, the anti social one, the social media freak one, the NU, the PKS guys in college, the why-are-you-so-beautiful woman, the why-do-you-wear-so-much-make-up woman, the padang-not-to-marry guy, the all-hail-lord-jawa guy etc.

Damn. I am a part of the fucked-off society. I am a part of the society which makes my bestfriend (kind of) frowning about his life.

I definitely have to gradually change the way I perceive others. Not only me, but you better do too, people. Do not give labels to anyone.. we are equal after all. We never stepped in anyone's shoe, why bother giving them label? Labels are for cans or clothes, not people. And, in order to create a better world to live, we have to change our own selves to be better first, right?

Chances are, there will always be labels. We ourselves also have labels given by society. Just make sure it doesn't bother us. After all, our worth is determined by God, not them.

If you do not want to be labeled, do not label anyone. It takes two to tango.

Oh, how I should be grateful to know him because I really have learnt a lot to have a better view towards life and human being. Tho we have different way to think and live, it is been awesome to talk soul to soul to him! And, people, if you label us as a couple, F off. You know nothing about two people from the opposite gender having strong friendship, don't you?

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