"Every soul will taste death" (Ali Imron 3:185)
Anyway, this is inspired by Freddy Budiman's story. Rohimahullaah.
He definitely reminds me about the death sentence I got since I was born. I will die. I just do not know when. Oh.. how I have to prepare it. Masya Allaah.. what a beautiful journey of him... in the end of his life, I believe he has reminded a lot of souls to turn back to Allaah...
Also, I recommend you to listen to Ustadz Syafiq Basalamah's lecture below. This lecture is about death... May Alloh bless Ustadz Syafiq.
Tell me, khoirunnida.
How long do you want to stay bad like this?
O, dear friends, please pray for me... :'(