

Just so you know I'll have a midterm test tomorrow and now I'm sitting in front of my laptop and enjoy blogging. I actually wanted to tell world about my beloved lil cousins because I just got a kinda embarrassing moment and it wass happened bcoz of my lil cousin fyuu fyuuu. But, because I gotta continue reading SCM books, I only do brief-blogging now.

Hmm I'm interested to tell world why I recently always have an urge to tell my life story in this blog.
Okay, here we go.

I'm Nida, a super talkative 20 years old girl. I'm an extrovert, dan gue suka didengar. Well, who else doesn't? Jadi, by default gue emang suka ngobrol atau cerita, about anything. Gue bisa aja cerita ke orang gimana gue menjalani kehidupan gue seharian. Atau ketika gue ketemu foto gajah lucu, I'll just tell people at that time. seriously. Atau mungkin, gue bisa aja nyeritain lo gimana excited-nya buku yang gue baca dari awal gue dapetin buku itu, sampe gue selesai baca. How that book affects me, How my life will be different after that, and so on.

Kinda annoying, ya?
Yap, I know it! Itulah kenapa gue mau jadi seorang perempuan yang pendiam, but everytime I try, I fail. Atau mungkin karena gue yang sebenarnya menyadari gue gak mau-mau amat jadi ciwi pendiam.

Maybe some of my friends have a particular person to be a almost-forever listener about their stories. You know what I mean. But, because I don't have any and will not have until marriage, then I got none. Ya terus kenapa gue nggak cerita ke sahabat/temen gitu? Yes, I do of course. Tapi untuk hal-hal kecil kayak gimana gue ketemu kucing lucu di jalan kan ga mungkin diceritain ke mereka, ya nggak?  Biasanya yang gue ceritain ke temen itu hal yang bisa bikin gue sediiiiih banget, contoh: video gajah dibunuh (ok that's weird).

That's why gue senang blogging akhir-akhir ini.
I feel like there are many people listening to my stories. Tapi jangan pernah baca blog gue depan muka gue, tengsin tau!

Ohya, saking sukanya bercerita, gue bahkan suka cerita ke diri gue sendiri.
Jadi, gue itu kalo jalan sendiri kan nunduk ya, mostly. Bukan karena apa-apa, tapi karena kali aja nemu tiket ke Australia apa gimana gitu. Nggak deng, gue jalan nunduk seringnya karena gue suka aja mikir sambil jalan tanpa diganggu pemandangan yang gak penting. Terus sambil cerita ke diri gue, like

You know, it's the day of the week! I'm really excited to know what next chapter of this book I read will be. Ya, I currently bla bla bla.

I feel like I'm in the TV show juga gitu hahahaha.

I'm also kinda really excited because if I met you, we could just be telling our stories to each other. Mungkin seperti bertukar novel, you read, and I read. I won't get bored to hear your stories, and I hope you will not, too.

Why. Why I post cheesy things.

Gue juga lagi mencoba untuk menempatkan bercerita di saat/tempat/situasi yang sesuai dan dengan cerita yang baik-baik juga, kok. Because this world needs people to listen more ;)

And people, maybe you have a particular person listening your stories, but don't worry, I'm not jealous. Because I do have Allah Jalla Jalaluuh, The Best of Best Listener. Yang Maha Mendengar. And I should make my self enough to tell stories to Him :-)

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