Hereafter is Better And More Enduring.


"I am nothing but a lost soul, trying to find my way back home. Trying to secure my place in Jannah. I know the road ahead isn't going to be easy and many difficulties may arise, but I ask Alloh to guide me. For He is the One who brings us out from darkness into light. He will test us only because He knows we are strong enough to bare the burdens. Right now, Jannah might seem so far away, but our minds will never be able to comprehend what is yet to come. It's easier to focus on the bad, to dwell on our worldly problems, but if we focus on our final destination, all these problems won't seem so big, because surely beautiful things await for those who believe and do righteous deeds" 
(hidden ukht)

Yup, my heart misses its Creator...... so much it hurts.
This dunya is just a blink of eye, it will fade soon.
Sometimes, I just want to do nothing but pray. #SesatPikir

Still Nida, you have to work hard in achieving your dreams!
You shouldn't do that for dunya only. You should work hard, to seek for ridho Allah. And then pray, maybe there is one of many things you have done that will bring you and all of people you love to Jannah.
This dunya is a prison, you know that. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything.  Alloh has blessed this dunya with so many opportunities. So, lady, go for it! Go for ridho Allah. Make every little things of your activities is for Allah only. Go! To infinity and beyond......................... To any infinity and beyond this dunya. To ridho Alloh. To Jannatul firdaus!

Tapi tetep yah, Nida. 
Kalo ada salah satu hal dari mimpi nida yang melanggar perintah Alloh, tinggalkan! 
Hidup cuma sebentar, nid......... cuma sebentaaaar banget. 
Di yaumul hisab nanti, semua worldly activities yang non-ibadah nggakan menghasilkan kebaikan untuk nida. 
Nida udah tau konsekuensinya apa kan? Ga takut sama api neraka apa? Hereafter is like...... forever. Taubat dooooooong huhu sedih.
Belajar agama jangan dilupain, ha ha udah berapa tahun jadi muslim? ilmu agama segitu-gitu aja Nid... :") :") :")

Semoga Alloh menjauhkan nida (dan kalian semua) dari fitnah dunia, dari kemaksiatan, dari hal-hal yang Ia benci, seperti Alloh menjauhkan timur dan barat. aamiin.

"Jika belajar itu ibadah, maka prestasi adalah dakwah"

فلا تعصي إلهك وأطعه
دواما علّ تحظى بالقبول

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