Research model & Melbourne!


Today I am so happy, all praise is to Allah.
This afternoon I met my undergrad thesis advisor, I gave him a summary of 10 papers that I worked for a week (only their research models, sih). Not only that, I proposed a research model that is constructed of 3 computer and human behavior theories. After discussing with him for an hour, the research model I proposed was accepted!!!!

Insya Allaah, I will use Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and Expectancy Confirmation Theory (ECT).

Alhamdulillaah... Finally!
Actually, the reading process of 10 papers was done in 4 days. And for my research model, I just did it in last night... at about 3 A.M LOL LOL what a last-minute person. My undergrad thesis advisor didn't tell me to propose research model today, actually. But I did it because I want to work earlier and do the best for my first research ever! As I am going to be a researcher also, right? hehe, aamiin.

After that, I met another lecturer with Nando (my non-romantic bestfirend in fasilkom) to talk about master study in Australia and its scholarship. This lecturer got his master of IS degree in Univ of Melbourne and master of Compsci in University of Indonesia as well. Yep, double degree but not the sandwich kinda study. I know right, so cool....
He taught an Enterprise Architecture Integration  (EAI) course where I and Nando joined. Alhamdulillah next term I will be a teaching assistant of Information Security Management and that EAI courses. As we talked, suddenly the lecturer asked nando to be a teaching assistant, too. And nando said yes! HAHAHA I'll work with him, again. yay! (nando already warned me not to join any competition because thesis life will be so damn amazing later hahaha).

Duh capek pake bahasa inggris *switched language mode: on*

Pas lagi ngobrol, Bapaknya nanya gue abis lulus emangnya mau ngapain dulu. Belom sempet gw jawab, tiba-tiba nando bilang "nida mau mencari pendamping hidup, Pak".. YA ALLOH GW MALU BGT. Udah gitu, ada dosen lain yang lagi di ruangan denger apa yang nando bilang dan kaya ngebecandain gw gitu juga lagi. #SEDIH
Maaf lebay, tapi rasanya mau nabok nando pake bakso rudal banget..........................
Aduh lebay siy tapi gatau malu banget banget banget. Sampe pertanyaan gw mengenai IS di Univ of Melbourne rasanya hilang keluar dari kepala semua........ ha ha ha.
Keluar dari ruangan, gw ngomelin nando tapi ni anak cuma ketawa-ketawa like usual *lelah*

Yaudah segitu aja cerita dari gw untuk hari ini.
Gw gatau ini ada manfaat yang bisa didapat atau ngga, tapi semoga saja ada yaa.... hehe.

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