Finally released.


Another step on this road I walk. 

Waiting for IELTS result made my heart pounding (of course it did). The fact that many of my seniors and friends had to take more than one test to get good result made my everything worse. I don't have much time left (and money consideration of course) to take another test. Well, after two weeks waiting, my IELTS result just released yesterday, I was shocked enough to find it was not that bad, after every stupidity I was thru in speaking test. 

Well, seeing the fact that it was my first attempt without me going to any course and only about less than two months self-preparation, getting score 7.0 was... quite good. I know, I sound like I am not grateful for what I got. Believe me, I am grateful but.. it is just my nature self being too competitive and no matter how I try to excuse my self that it's okay because my preparation was not that serious, 7.0 is still not outstanding, it is just quite good. Well, good. All praise to Him.

Again, I know it is kinda silly but believe me... having this result means a lot to me. Like, a lot. So, besides my family, I'd like to honor Fasilkom who has funded me to take the test and Astro goes International group here (Nando, Ardhan, Rian, Zahra, Hanif, and Adit) for all the hours we studied together after work hours, all the answers to my stupid questions, all the advice and supports. Thank you! specially for my sis Intan and bro Nando (gotta mention you twice) who are been very supportive (yet still kinda annoying) in these recent months. 

To the one whom I still consider as one of the most influential people in my life, the person I can truly feel pure friendship with, no less no more. Tho it's sad how you think our differences have to separate us this way and how it makes me unable to share any of my stories nor silly videos to you again, I know you still do support me! 

And, of course,
To my own self. For all the hours you spent alone studying, all the hells you have been thru in these past two months, all the doubts and belief in you, all the nights you fight your own self, all the reckless and sleepy night drivings back to home after studying in lab, you deserve it

Well... yeah,
there are still a lot of steps to take. Towards tomorrow.

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