Unboxing: Goodie Bag Kajian Al-Sofwa


Keeping my inner souls balanced.

Apparently, attending a nine-hours seminar (slash Dauroh)about marriage (ugh why tho) this Sunday was not as tiring and boring as I thought! In fact, it was fun... the materials Asatidz shared were all meaningful. At first, I didn't want to attend it because: (1)it costs 150K IDR (kinda expensive), (2)I thought the topic is not my thing. Eh tapi ustadz Arifin Badri dan Ustadz Rizal juga menyampaikan materi-nya lucu, gitu, jadi gak tegang ha ha ha.

But, it was more than worth it coz (1)participants got goodie bag with many things in it and (2)preparing marriage sedari dini is not a bad idea, kan?! (#pembelaan)

Here are things I got in the goodie bag:

Thank you, Yayasan Al-Sofwa!
We got 1 notebook, 6 books about deen, 1 pray mat, and 1 materials binder.

Not only that, because I threw questions to Ustadz Rizal, I got another two gifts! Alhamdulillaah. 
P.S my submissive side is almost always shy, my voice was even shaking when I hold the mic. Ewh, LOL. what a weird thing.

Alhamdulillaah new boooksss.

Ultimate mood booster: meeting my best friends in deen, which are mbak Intan dan Lisda. Since I deactivated my IG account, I rarely talk with them bcoz we used to talk only in a IG group chat hahhahahaha.

The maa fii qolbi ghoirullah team LOL

That's that.

Hopefully will write about lessons I got from that dauroh here.

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