Mentally jet-lagged.


pill, anyone?

Chill pill

This is my first day going to office (which is campus) after 5 days off. Kinda shocked with the fact that there are so many things to do, yet so little motivation. 

I assisted today's e-health class because the lecturer couldn't attend it for family reason (I KNOW, RIGHT. ONE OF MOTIVATIONS WHY I WANT TO BE LECTURER). Unfortunately, I sucked at today's class because: 1)haven't prepared it well due to my main focus was all for LPDP 2)i was 10 minutes late because of scrolling meme page in my car, at campus' car park. What a brilliant reason.

I am soooo mentally jet-lagged.

Again, there are so many things to get done right now, and if I start to think about it... I immediately start getting anxious and want to (literally) puke #anxietyproblem.

And, how about yesterday's story?
What I can say is.. it was not that good, but also not that bad. But I have no idea how it is going to be. Yasyudahlah.

Anw, the most beautiful words I heard today from a student:
"kak lo kapan sih lulus S2nya?"
"Gue kan belum mulai S2, lagi nunggu beasiswa. doain yaa"
"iya kak! semoga lo cepat S2 ya terus lulus trus jadi dosen. Gue berharap banget lo jadi dosen karena lo bisa ngertiin mahasiswa banget."
Thank you for the one who says it! You don't know how much it means to me.

Tho I am now mentally jet-lagged, I can't stay like this foreva. Gotta finish all the works and start looking for another scholarship (#namanyajugausaha #apacarisuamiajaya). Yash. Semangat jadi ibuk dosen, self.

Indien gij iets doet, doe het dan goed.

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