Low budget self pamper.


the favor of Lord I can't deny.

One of the best feelings in this world, besides having someone love you back, is having weekly self-pamper routine finished. Great! So great! 

Here's what I am usually doing (out of daily routine):

First thing first, body scrub.

I have been crazily in love with this Herborist body scrub. I have tried many of lulur products from Bali (udah 15 belas-an jar gue habis) because they are great and so cheap! Tadinya gue suka sama Sekar Jagat, tapi lama kelamaan gue udah gak tahan sama bau-nya yang kimia banget. Nah kalo Herborist ini wanginya enakkk banget. Natural. Parah I can't stop smelling ma self. Tapi, scrub-nya Herborist terlalu halus menurut gue. Harga satu lulur Herborist cuma 9K IDR saja :_) Satu jar gini bisa untuk 3-4 kali pemakaian. 

Second, hair mask!

Cuma pernah coba 2 jenis hair mask: Vienna dan Ellips. But, I prefer Vienna more sih karena yang Ellips gak kasih impact apa-apa. Kinda love this product except the fact that it smells so chemical-y. The result is also good enough lah kayak smoothing gitu for a hair mask with cheap price: 12K IDR only :_)

Third, face mask

I somehow prefer the peel-off mask, just because I can't afford having facial treatment every month at Erha to remove whiteheads, sih. LOL. Somehow selalu mencoba masker-nya Vienna, karena yang lain mahal. Biasanya sih pake varian yang black, tapi kali ini coba yang putih. Kalo ini sih cuma 10-13K IDR aja per bungkus.

Fourth, menipedi alakadarnya.

Modalnya sih cuma body lotion dan menipedi kit yang dapat dari souvenir nikahan alias 0 rupiah. Kalo lagi bisa pake kutek yaa pake, kalo nggak ya.. nggak. Berfaedah banget sih yang nikahan-nya kasih ginian sebagai souvenir! 

I lowkey adore my fingrers. Masya Alloh. #menolakEvilEye

Fifth, Home peeling creams.

I usually use these things in night, before going to bed, sih. Gunanya sih buat mengangkat kulit mati gitu aja. Dan cream ini emang cuma boleh dipake 1 minggu sekali kata dokter.

That's it!

A very low budget weekly routine of mine with total less than 40K IDR. I think women should do this to gain inner peace. Disamping murah meriah, enakan di rumah sih kan bebas berekspresi. Kalo di salon, lo dipegang-pegang sama mbak-mbaknya gitu kan EWHHH how if tangan mereka gak bersih :_( #ENFJproblem

Kurangnya cuma satu... pijet T_T if only I can massage my own self.


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