

a very random night.


1. Sexual orientation
Straight. Very straight.

2. What i’m really bad at
making decision.

3. -
gonna skip this question.

4. Best first date
bookshop. #nerd

5. Description of my self esteem
roller coaster, depends on situation. mostly high sih.

6. Best friend’s name
Intan. (and of course Adjoy)

7. Favorite Book
was about to say Qur'an but it seems like every muslim's fave book. So here it is:

 great novel. very great one.

8. Biggest turn offs
not loyal.

9. Description of my best friend
intan is a very typical INFJ girl with insecurity, crazy but also always reminds me of hereafter life. on another side, adjoy is a typical INFP guy with wide knowledge. they both keep my inner souls balanced.

10. Favorite Animals
elephant and cat.

11. Someone i miss

many, actually. my former students in Rumah Bentala who moved outside this city. I hope you all will be a great human in the future and help your family to have a better living. I hope I see them some day. Amin.

selain itu, Empi rahimahullaah.

12. Reason behind my last breakup
skip question.

13. What i did yesterday
basically worked. and skipped doing laundry, urgh!

14. Greatest Achievement
hard question. might be: building a non profit school with friends. sad it only lasted for 2 years.

15. Description of who i dislike the most

16. Favorite Songs
the scientist. kinda expressing my dilemma dreaming to work in academia field (??)

17. How my last kiss went down
almost. i almost kissed a cat but i remembered how unhealthy it was for woman.

18. What i find attractive in the preferred sex
smart in general knowledge, religious, mentally more mature than me.  pengertian. 

19. Pets

20. Favorite ice cream flavor
21. Where i want to be right now
makkah, actually. and leiden.
22. Worst thing someone said to me
"why waste your time working as teaching assistant?"
23. Places i’ve lived
jakarta and depok.
24. I’ll love you if
you love Allah. #hazek
25. Future plans
having master degree really soon, and get married. #sesederhanaitu
26. An internal conflict i have
should i buy TBS's body lotion or not.
27. What i’m doing tomorrow
working. seating in E-health class, yay! berasa kuliah lagi.
28. What i want to be when grow up
a good woman. a good daughter. a good wife. a good mom. a good lecturer. a good human being.
29. Most embarrassing moment
can't remember any of them, unfortunately.
30. Two insecurities
(1) i am not good enough to be good woman. (2) i am not smart enough to work as academician.
31. If i won a lottery
idk, if it's halal one.. probably performing hajj with family, buying house.
32. Description of my crush
no crush.
33. Favorite thing about myself
my sensitive soul. used to hate it but i think it's a gift as i can be really emphatic to others.
34. Pet peeves
those who talk about themselves all the time.
35. Bands i’ve seen live
if Maher Zain counts, then him. perks of SMP-SMA sahabatan sama orang arab for years.
36. Kids in the future? How many?
of course lah! three might be enough. Umar Al-Faruq/Ayesha/Khadijah/Khalid. #udahnyiapinnama #sebelgaklobacanya
37. My idea of a perfect date
in a book/coffeeshop, talking about dreams and life.
38. What i’m really good at
idk. understanding people? 
39. Most traumatic experience
https://khrnnd.blogspot.co.id/2011/06/every-self-will-taste-death.html. a bad experience but not traumatic sih. 
40. Where i would like to live
europe for 2 years ahead  #AMIN. sisanya tergantung habibae. 
41. Nicest thing said to me
all "may we meet again in heaven" sayings from my friends.
42. Do i like where i am now?
yes, kinda
43. What can i hear right now?
ny mom's snores. sounds from air conditioner and cars.
44. Relationship with siblings
fine, with everyday lil fight
45. Biggest worry
won't make it to heaven.
46. Something i’m waiting for
lpdp's last selection stage and its announcement.
47. Relationship with parents
fine, but closer to my mom.
48. Something i should’ve said long time ago
might be "it is your loss, not mine. i deserve someone much better than a loser like you" years ago. but i was (and am) too kind to say it.
49. Last text message received
a brief explanation about world's development and how i shouldn't be so unsure to spend money for buying things i like bcoz at the end it will also be good for world's economy. #meh
50. Last text message sent
"istirahat lo, kerja biar bisa menabung demi X dan buah hati". a text from me to my bestfriend who's hving love sick with his crush lol.
51. What i hate most about myself
how mentally submissive i am. 
52. Biggest turn ons
children's smiles.
53. Words that upset me
why waste your time working as teaching assistant?"
54. What i hate the most about school
those sok-sok-an students.
55. What i’m wearing
cutie daster from auntie.
56. Last thing i ate
ikan teri.
57. Last thing i drank

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