What makes me happy (this week)



Alhamdulillaah for He has been blessing me right until this second. Besides all the happiness I got every single second from Him, this week I had some special moments that really make me happy. Alhamdulillaah Alhamdulillaah Alhamdulillaah.
  1. I went to tabligh akbar with a best friend of mine! Love her for the sake of Allaah. Hopefully we can be a good friend til jannah, aamiin.
  2. I got a very very supportive email from one of my thesis respondents
  3. I had a dream in which I bought sooo many make-up products. Like soo many things that I've been craving for. Eventho it was just a dream, it felt sooo good and made me happy LOL
  4. I learned how to use IBM AMOS 2.0! A tool to process my thesis data
  5. I visited my grandparents's houses
  6. I ordered a new khimar colored dark blue by Ummuhaniina. After a looong time wanting, finally ordered such as color
  7. My thesis data has finally reached a half of what I expect it to be. A DAMN HALF!
  8. My mom finally agreed to my life plan. Like, this is a VERY VERY big deal for me! Finally got full support to be a lecturer, study abroad (only if my health will be 100% okay) and also.. permitted to get married at 24! W-O-W!
  9. I had a presentation for mapres Fasilkom selection and it was reallyyyyy scary yet fun at the same time
  10. My mom permitted me to adopt a baby cat! YASSSH.

Because happiness is not all about money,
don't forget to be happy, dear you :)

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