I am so weird asf, like I am a fully 100% extrovert but PERIODICALLY, I don't feel like socializing at all. But also feel like wondering if there is also anyone who can understand me. But also, at the same time, I don't feel like trusting anyone too. I am so complicated hu hu hu. I am a mess.
So, here are the list of my activities when I feel like not wanting to meet or socialize with like literally ANYONE:
- Playing with my cat
- Staying in my room all the time
- Not updating any social media (excluded this blog and twitter because, who goes to twitter and this blog anyway?)
- NOT-REPLYING-ANY-MESSAGE (excluded those who matter for me.)
- Watching youtube; the only escape
- Crying on bed
- Crying on desk
- Waiting for anyone to finally realize how broken my inner peace is, for no reason. I mean, it is just broken
- Waiting for anyone who COMPLETELY understands how it feels to have a broken inner peace
- Waiting for anyone who doesn't judge me when I don't feel like replying people's messages because i just feel like I don't
Welcome to my life, anyway.